The girl in the closet: Communication skills in a relationship

Communication skills in a relationship

Communication skills in a relationship

Have any of you ever had a partner who just by looking at you already knows everything you want and satisfies them all the time perfectly? Yeah, well, neither have I.

Beautiful woman wearing black tights and shorts

In a relationship, communication is something fundamental. Yes, I know there is a belief that women always expect their partners to read our minds, but men are just the same.

In fact, in a couple, the one who communicates the most is the woman, and the one who hears the least is the man. If you don't believe me, try to remember the last thing your beloved wife or girlfriend said to you. Now ask her the same question. You see I'm not lying to you?

Beautiful woman sitting in black tights

Jokes aside, learning to clearly express what you want or need helps build a much healthier and more enjoyable relationship.

As far as I know, people are not mind readers. The idea that we do is something that can cause many problems and conflicts, and one of the times when this is most likely to occur is when we are trying to have a satisfying sexual experience with our partner.

In order to achieve efficient communication, many details must be taken into account, even more so when what you are going to talk about is sex.

Let's be clear, talking about sex is not something that is easy for some (or many) people. Telling your partner about the things you like or want, about how I feel, or about sensitive things that might upset your partner, can be a complicated task.

One of the first things to avoid is getting defensive because the moment you do that, the communication is over. And then come those situations that lead you to keep quiet, or feel embarrassed, or maybe even resentful. In short, you stop trying.

Also look for the right time and place to have the conversation. You're not going to seek to talk about your sexual problems at someone's funeral, for example.

The other important aspect is to maintain a frame of mind that will help propel your conversation forward. Demonstrating your desire to improve the relationship by using loving language and offering constructive feedback also go a long way toward success.

Taking the time to talk is important. A healthy relationship should allow you to share your feelings, fears, dreams and hopes. So always look for ways to find time to talk to your partner more often.
Lovely woman sitting in sheer black tights

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