The girl in the closet: The taste for tights

The taste for tights

The taste for tights

Do You know that feeling when you put on a pair of tights and suddenly you're transformed into a sleek and sensual version of yourself?

It's like falling in love with a snug, stretchy nylon leg hugger, or stepping into a secret identity, except instead of a cape, you're wearing sheer fabric that's one wrong move away from a run.

There's something strangely addictive about the whole nylons experience.

Maybe it's the way they make you feel like you've got your life together, even when your day is unraveling faster than a cheap pair of tights in a cat's claws.

Or maybe it's just the sheer delight of peeling them off at the end of a long day and feeling freed from that delicious nylon prison.

So yeah, call it a passion, call it an obsession, call it whatever you want. But if you've ever experienced the inexplicable joy of finding the perfect pair of tights, you'll know exactly what I'm talking about.

It's a love-hate relationship wrapped in a tangled mess of sheer delight.
Elegant woman in black blouse, red mini skirt, sheer black tights and black pumps

Pretty woman in black overcoat, red mini dress, sheer black tights and black pumps
Beautiful secretary in black fishnets and heels

1 comment:

  1. Hosed legs are so sexy...

    Have a look here:
